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The Five Best Cybersecurity Podcasts
David Prinz
(updated on: 26.08.2024)

Do you like listening to podcasts? Get to know the best five cyber security podcasts.

The Five Best Cybersecurity Podcasts

Podcasts are a great and entertaining way to learn about new technologies in the fast-paced cybersecurity space, or to simply stay up to date. Do you want an entertaining podcast for the train ride and to benefit from learning something new on the side? Or do you want to delve deeper into a specific technology?

Podcasts – News and Technical

This section brings together podcasts that discuss cyber security news and technical details in depth. Among other things, they cover the basics of penetration testing, offer deeper insights into red teaming and analyse cyber incidents and how to deal with them through incident response and digital forensics. This selection reflects a broad spectrum of cyber security topics.

Paul’s Security Weekly

This is a podcast that – as you can tell from the name – deals with security topics, covering news as well as technical topics (demonstrating them via YouTube). Numerous exciting topics are covered, and experts are invited to join the podcast from time to time.

For example, episode #745 features Sam Bowne, the founder of InfoSec Decoded, and discusses the belief many have – that IT security is difficult to learn.

Paul's Security Weekly Podcast about Cybersecurity

The podcast is very technical in parts and has a longer format with episodes often lasting more than 2 hours.

Paul’s Security Weekly Podcast

Risky Business

The “Risky Business” podcast is also a must in this list. The podcast airs weekly and is hosted by award-winning journalist Patrick Gray. He regularly invites experts from the security industry and conducts fascinating interviews that go into great detail and analyze cybersecurity topics in depth.

The episodes usually last less than an hour, which is why they are well suited for the commute to work.

Risky Business Podcast

Risky Business is a cyber security podcast

Podcasts – Stories About Hackers, Malware, etc.

The following podcasts are primarily intended to be entertaining and tell exciting true stories about hackers, malware, botnets, cryptography, etc.

The focus is on the big picture of a cyber incident and less on the technology used, which is why these podcasts are also well suited for cybersecurity beginners.

Darknet Diaries

The “Darknet Diaries” podcast contains very exciting cybersecurity events and is well researched and detailed. For example, episode 3 was about the former certification authority DigiNotar, which was the target of a cyberattack that had fatal consequences. In addition, some episodes provide insights into interesting professions such as that of a social engineering expert or a spy in the Weinstein scandal. Most episodes last a little more than an hour.

Darknet Diaries Podcast

Darknet Diaries Cybersecurity Podcast


Hacked is very similar to Darknet Diaries in terms of topics and structure. However, the episodes are a bit shorter – usually a little over 30 minutes. The podcast is hosted by Jordan Bloemen and Scott Francis Winder, who not only entertain in a humorous way but also pass on knowledge. A good example of this would be the “Dr. Ransomware” episode about cybercriminals and their story.

Hacked Podcast

Hacked, a cybersecurity podcast

Command Line Heroes

Command Line Heroes is a podcast from RedHat. The podcast is divided into seasons and episodes. Each season deals with a global topic, which is examined from different angles in the individual episodes. Thus, it is possible to select from several episodes on a topic. There are seasons that examine cybersecurity topics, such as season 9, which deals with trojans, ransomware, etc.

There are also other topics, such as robots: How did we imagine today’s robots 10 years ago? What is possible now and what is just fiction? One episode of this podcast lasts about 30 minutes.

Command Line Heroes Podcast

Command Line Heroes Podcast for cybersecurity you


The world of cybersecurity is constantly changing. These 5 cybersecurity podcasts are perfect for keeping up to date and learning new things – and there is content for both beginners and advanced users.


David Prinz joined Oneconsult in April 2022 as a penetration tester and is studying computer science part-time with a focus on information security at the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences). Previously, he worked as a system engineer at a managed service provider and gained experience with various technologies.

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